Tag: celebrations

  • Balloons and lights :: Happy Birthday Canberra

    Today (actually I think it’s tomorrow) Canberra is celebrating its 100th birthday. For residents this has been a great time of celebration and reflection and for us newcomers it’s been an opportunity to learn its history. A city that was born out of solving an argument between Sydney and Melbourne about which location should be…

  • Give me the child until seven…

    and I will show you the man. If you remember I did a similar post when my jolly monkey turned 7. Well the little one turns 7 today and thanks to this Jesuit motto it’s been looming on the horizon like some kind of use by date for me to get all my influence in…

  • Chocolate Anyone?

    In our house Easter chocolates appear in nests in the garden on Easter Sunday. They build their nests (and ours) and our little men end up with a giant stash of assorted chocolate. It’s the only day of the year that they can have chocolate with breakfast. I think we are now all overloaded on…

  • Give me the child until seven…

    and I will give you the man. This Jesuit motto has been running through my head leading up to my Jolly Monkey’s 7th birthday. Could it be that the person he will become has already been hardwired? Sometimes I find myself watching him and wondering what life has in store for him. This gives me…

  • Birthday Month Continues

    My little man turns 5 today but we celebrated with a party last Saturday. Here he is ready for his party and posing in his birthday t-shirt (I’m not sure about this ‘smile’). The birthday t-shirts are now a tradition and they have definitely evolved over the last 5 years. They used to be made…

  • And So Begins Birthday Month

      My darling husband, aka the cyclist, turns 42 today. He’s quite excited by this as up until last week he thought he was already 42 so he feels like he has won back a whole year. Just one of the many reasons I love him – if the details are not important then he…

  • Birthday Hearts

    I just wanted to wish a Happy Birthday to my oldest friend in the world. It’s quite rare these days that you can boast of knowing someone for 37 years. We grew up in a small outback town, went to university in different cities, lived at opposite ends of the earth on more that one…

  • Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas one and all. Thanks to the beautiful rain that is still falling we were not woken up at the crack of dawn by our little men. They are well pleased with their stash and as I type my darling husband is trying to build one of two Lego gifts and they are ‘helping’…

  • 6 Sleeps to Go

    As the boys would say… 6 sleeps to go! Between the advent calendar and the counting of sleeps they are getting very excited about Christmas. School is now over for the year and our tradition of baking and creating for our friends is all done. The last of our little Christmas treats left the house…

  • It’s My Birthday

      We have broken with the Apple tradition this year for my birthday as was the case last year and the year before. Thank you to the Musee d’Orsay for closing down for refurbishments for a year. As a result I have spent this morning having breakfast with my darling husband in the National Botanical…