Tag: my design

  • New pattern :: sunshine rain

    I finally finished up my little rain cloud pattern. I had a bit of a problem with the dashed lines behind the clouds so I had to make a deviation, which I like better. I’ve added this pattern to Spoonflower and once I have received my sample swatch it will be for sale on the…

  • Palette and patterns :: fruit

    Did you know that iStockphoto release a free vector and image each week? Neither did I until I paid attention to the email in my inbox and now I watch out for them. This pomegranate came free a couple of weeks ago and fitted with my current fruit obsession. Something I haven’t done in a…

  • Being a little :: cushion crazy

    I’ve been going a little crazy making cushions lately. The bug began with the one on the top right, remember my Zine that I had to create for a Uni task? Well in celebration of my topic of Scandinavian surface design I thought it would be neat twist to do some stencils from Lotta Jansdotter…

  • First pass with my vintage design

    The one thing that has pretty much eluded me with designing is how to create a complex repeating pattern. Not that this attempt is complex but I wanted a brick pattern a per my scribbles. I found a great tutorial on creating a repeating hexagon pattern and applied the technique to this. What you’re looking…

  • Gift Tags :: Download

    Create some unique gift tags with this PDF set of 6 printable tags.

  • Design Dilemma – Help Please

    I’m appealing to you for help with my next assignment… again. We have to design a small brochure for a restaurant opening and this is just the front cover. The assignment is quite prescriptive in terms of text content but the style of food that the restaurant serves is really up to us. I’m going…

  • My fabric designs on Spoonflower

    I was waiting until I received the swatches before I shared this with you. Here they are – fabric of my design direct from Spooflower. I’m really please with how they turned out, it was a giant learning curve for me to create a repeating pattern but it seems to have worked. Also trying to…